Hi. Seems to be a hopeless situation today. Do we cancel?
Hi. Yeah, seems so
Hello! It seems that the training today is not placed in the system.
Now it is over there
Great, thanks!
Hei! The season fee for the spring 2025 season is 168 EUR that you can pay as:
1. Cash/card/sport voucher at the Ruoholahden palloiluhalli reception tonight
2. Bank transfer to my account FI8180002403753493 (Danske Bank / Lasse Leskelä)
3. MobilePay to my account (telephone +358 40 537 5352 / Lasse Leskelä)
To help bookkeeping, it would be great if you could make this payment as soon as possible; and in case in two weeks at the latest.
Best wishes, Lasse
Mainly as a goalie
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